893.00/8–646: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 6—4:25 a.m.]
1270. Recent conversations with Democratic League members, including certain of those who sought refuge in Consulate Kunming, indicate state of widespread fear within League as result Kunming assassinations. Regardless of where responsibility for assassinations may lie, end result has been to reveal the weakness of Democratic League as a political party per se and therefore as a factor making for cohesion in China’s internal politics. Now aware of their organization’s limitations or frightened by the assassinations, prominent League leaders feel that they are faced with choice between following alternatives: (1) recant; (2) proceed abroad; (3) join the Communists.
At present time Ministry of Education making arrangements for several prominent professors, members of the League, to proceed Australia and United States in various academic capacities. Others have recanted by public expression of intention to engage only in academic pursuits in future.
It seems probable that majority of League leaders will accept first alternative. Current press comment with regard possible reorganization Government without Communist participation may be preliminary to offer official posts to Democratic League members. Such a step would probably effectively eliminate liberal opposition to Kuomintang policies in addition to having important publicity value abroad. Most prominent professors may be expected to accept alternative (2) if offered and for practical purposes exile is as effective as assassination.
[Page 1452]Only minority of League leaders may be expected to proceed Communist areas; one prominent League professor has already expressed to Embassy veiled desire proceed Yenan. Anticipated, however, that movement of students, especially from universities affected by assassinations, to Yenan, Kalgan, or other Communist controlled points will increase. Many professors and intellectuals reluctant proceed Communist areas through fear of being used by Communists publicity purposes only.