
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

No. 22

Sir: Referring to the Department’s telegram no. 517 of July 26, 1946,31 in which it was requested that an air mail report be submitted of the results of the trip to Kunming of Second Secretary of Embassy Philip D. Sprouse, I have the honor to enclose: (a) copy of a memorandum dated August 1, 1946, entitled “Departure from the Consular Premises at Kunming of Chinese under the Protection of the Consulate General; Assurances of Protection by the Chinese Authorities at Kunming”; and (b) copy of a memorandum, dated August 1, 1946, entitled “The Question of Responsibility for the Assassinations of Li Kung-pu and Wen I-to at Kunming”, both of which were prepared at my request by Mr. Sprouse.

Each of these memoranda contains a summary of its contents. It is pertinent, however, to emphasize that the American involvement in the incident as a result of the Consulate General’s affording protection to the Chinese refugees seems to have ended satisfactorily and in an amicable spirit—at least on the surface. The friendly attitude of the Chinese authorities at Kunming during the visit of Mr. Sprouse is felt to be due to the approach made to the Generalissimo by General Marshall and Ambassador Stuart in this regard. [Page 1441] This belief is strengthened by the circumstance that on the day prior to the departure of the refugees, General Lu Han, Chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Government, General Ku Chu-tung, Commander of the Chinese Armed Forces, and General Ho Kuei-chang, Commander of the Yunnan Garrison Headquarters, are said to have arrived at Kunming from Kuling, where they had been summoned by the Generalissimo. The action of the Consulate General in affording protection to the refugees is believed to have been warmly approved in all non-official circles at Kunming.

It is not possible to fix the responsibility for the assassinations but the vast majority of reports and rumors current at Kunming point to elements within the Kuomintang. It is believed, however, that the official version of the case will implicate anti-Government Yunnan provincial supporters of General Lung Yun, former provincial chairman, with possible Communist financial connection. Democratic League sources at Nanking state that their request to the Central Government to send representatives to Kunming to participate in a joint investigation of the assassinations was refused by the Nanking authorities, but that they have been given permission to conduct their own separate investigation.

In order that knowledge of this incident will not be interpreted by other consular officers in China as indicating a change in the Department’s policy regarding the according of temporary refuge or asylum, the Embassy is circularizing them in the sense of its telegram no. 63 of July 17, 6:00 p.m. to Kunming repeated to the Department as no. 1156 of July 17, 6:00 [5:00] p.m.

Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador:
W. Walton Butterworth

Minister-Counselor of Embassy
[Enclosure 1]

Memorandum by the Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Sprouse)

Summary. On July 27 assurance of full protection for the Chinese refugees residing in the Consulate General were given to Mr. Melby and Mr. Sprouse by the Yunnan Garrison Headquarters, and by 1:00 p.m. on July 28 all members of the refugee group had returned either to their homes, to one of the universities or to the three places of residence chosen by them and agreed to by the Garrison Headquarters. Both the Garrison Headquarters authorities and General Lu Han, Provincial Chairman, were cordial in their discussions of the matter with officers of the Embassy and Consulate General and expressed [Page 1442] appreciation of their assistance. On July 28 General Lu Han also gave assurances of protection for the refugees, and both he and Garrison Headquarters authorities stated they would facilitate the departure of the refugees from Kunming. The refugees expect to leave Kunming during the present week. Chinese at Kunming are believed to approve warmly the action of the Consulate General in affording protection to the refugees. The friendly manner in which the incident was settled is felt to be due primarily to the approach made to the Generalissimo by General Marshall and Ambassador Stuart in this regard. End of Summary.

[Here follows detailed report.]

Philip D. Sprouse
[Enclosure 2]

Memorandum by the Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Sprouse)

Summary. Direct and conclusive evidence of Central Government responsibility for the recent assassinations of Li Kung-pu and Wen I-to at Kunming has not been obtained nor has any evidence yet been made known which would establish the guilt of anti-Government Yunnan provincial interests of the Communist Party. The vast majority of reports and rumors at Kunming indicate Central Government complicity in the assassinations and this estimate is strengthened by a consideration of possible motives behind the murders. On the other hand, there are rumors at Kunming which implicate anti-Central Government provincial supporters of General Lung Yun, former provincial chairman. Similar rumors indicate Communist instigation through the use of large sums of money as reward to the authors of the plot. Central Government sources state arrests have been made and a report on the cases will shortly be made public. End of Summary.

[Here follows detailed report.]

Philip D. Sprouse
  1. Not printed.