
The Chinese Ambassador (Koo) to President Truman28

Dear Mr. President: I beg to transmit to you the following message from President Chiang Kai-shek, which I have just received: [Page 1439]

“President Truman: Your kind telegram29 communicated to me through General George C. Marshall has been received. I am sorry to learn that General A. C. Wedemeyer is unable to return to China. During the time of our war of resistance, General Wedemeyer, pursuant to Your Excellency’s policy of assistance to China, had rendered to us valuable service which contributed in great measure to the success in the China theater. The Government and people of China as well as I personally are deeply appreciative of his efforts. I take this opportunity, therefore, to convey to you my sincere thanks and my best wishes for your good health. Chiang Kai-shek”

I remain [etc.]

V. K. Wellington Koo
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the White House on August 7.
  2. See telegram No. 95133, July 22, from Colonel Carter to General Marshall, p. 1397.