Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Minutes of Meeting Between General Yu Ta-wei and General Marshall at No. 5 Ning Hai Road, Nanking, July 25, 1946, 6 p.m.
Also present: | Colonel Caughey |
General Yu asked what the results of Dr. Stuart’s talks had been. General Marshall replied that Dr. Stuart has not yet had an opportunity to see General Chou.
General Marshall continued by stating that he was very much disturbed over the present situation and this disturbance is based on the fact that he has “learned too much”. General Marshall stated that the situation is such that he is faced with a decision as to whether or not to go ahead. He added that shocking news had reached him in the past two or three days concerning political as well as military matters on both sides. General Marshall stated that he felt he must go ahead but that he had need of a good deal of faith for both sides.
General Marshall asked General Yu Ta Wei what the military situation was. General Yu replied that nothing new had developed since he had last seen General Marshall.
General Marshall then mentioned that General Chou En-lai had returned at 5 o’clock and he had hoped General Chou would see Dr. Stuart this evening but for some reason General Chou wanted to see General Marshall first and therefore a meeting had been set for 10 o’clock tomorrow. General Chou would probably have dinner with Dr. Stuart that evening.
General Yu Ta Wei said that he was very anxious to promote a peaceful settlement and, although he was considerably pessimistic, [Page 1404] he would do anything General Marshall wanted him to do. If General Marshall so desired, he would communicate with the Generalissimo at Kuling or go to Kuling himself. General Marshall stated that he had intended to go to Kuling tomorrow but in view of the present circumstances feels that he may not be able to go. He added that there were so many complicating factors and also it was necessary for him to decide in his own mind as to how to proceed and then to notify the President and Mr. Byrnes.