Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Memorandum by General Chou En-lai to General Marshall
Dear General Marshall: 1. According to reports sent to me by General Yeh, Communist Commissioner of Executive Headquarters, Government troops are launching vehement attacks against Communist troops in the northern part of provinces Kiangsu and Anhwei. Following are the details of those truce-violating activities:
- a.
- Nationalist 88th Army at Hsuchow attacked and occupied Communist-held Hsiaohsien town (117° 02′, 34° 15′) and Mutsi village on April 27, and Hsiayi town (116° 10′, 34° 16′) on May 10. (see Map I71)
- b.
- Since April 11, 1946, Government troops around Pangpu (117° 24′, 32° 56′) attacked along four fronts toward the Communist area lying west of Tientsin–Pukow railroad track in Central Anhwei. The Nationalist 77th Division occupied Chihochen townlet, Hsiayuan-shi and Sanhochi villages due east of Tingyuan (117° 42′, 32° 30′) on April 11, the 138th Division occupied Liangchiakang, Yinchiachien townlets on the same date, and Tsailangpu townlet on April 12 (all north of Tingyuan); another unit of the 138th Division, coordinating with the 3rd Regiment of the Peace Preservation Corps occupied Changchiao and Wang Hweikang townlets due south of Tingyuan town on April 12, while the 3rd Regiment is attacking from Chuchia-hsiang townlet due north of ITofei (117° 18′. 31° 51′) toward the Communist-controlled Hsiaotientse, Chanchikang townlets. The Government troops, with a combined strength of seven regiments, have [Page 864] according to the latest report occupied the Tingyuan town at 10.00, May 13, 1946. Eight now the fighting is still raging, with more Nationalist troops rushing up; for reinforcement, (see Map II72)
- c.
- In the Nantung sector, since April 15, 1946, Government troops attacked on Changlochen, Hsingjenchen, Hsiaohaichen and Kwanyin-shan townlets due east of Nantung (120° 53′, 32° 01′) and seized the foregoing places on April 29, inflicting 268 casualties on the Communist troops. At the same time, the 79th Division of the Nationalist 49th Army, stationed at Chingchiang (120° 15′, 32° 01′), coordinated by war vessels, assaulted Hsinkang (immediately on the northern bank of the Yangtse River), but was repelled by the Communist forces on April 15; on April 28, on arrival of fresh reinforcement they seized that place by a second assault.
2. The well-planned attack of the Government troops on this area which is sandwiched between the Yangtse River, and the Lunghai Railway and lying on the two sides of the Tientsin–Pukow Railway should be viewed as an overture to all-out offensive in this coastal area. The present circumstances show evidence that the Government troops are endeavoring as an initial step to drive away and wipe out the Communist forces stationed along the two sides of the Tientsin–Pukow railroad and the Hwai River, so as to facilitate the future attack along the middle section of that railway while the Government troops on the immediate northern bank of the Yangtse River close to the mouth attempts to make a frontal attack along the entire line of separation to spread out their position in order to ease the landing of reinforcements as a preparation for fresh attacks. On the other hand, newspapers are inspired by the Government to stage a propaganda campaign, charging the Communist forces being contemplating an attack on Nantung, Chingchiang and Kiangtu sector, which they would exploit as a pretext for launching all-out offensive, (see Map III72)
With a view to terminate such hostilities and to prevent any untoward consequences, I now propose that
- a.
- instruction be sent to Commissioners of Executive Headquarters that it sends teams to Tingyuan and Nantung respectively without delay, for termination of hostilities and necessary military readjustment. In the event that there is no airfield in Tingyuan, that team may also be sent to Pangpu and proceed thence to Tingyuan for making survey.
- b.
- the present whereabouts of the Hwaiying team be immediately located, so that the Committee of Three may pass decision as to whether or not a committee of representatives should be sent to Hwaiying for hearing briefing and to undertake the readjustments.
Your comments will be appreciated.