Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Minutes of Conference Between Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and General Marshall at the Generalissimo’s Residence, Nanking, May 12, 1946
The Generalissimo informed me57 that early last week he had been notified by the Soviet Embassy through his son58 that Stalin59 would like to see him in Moscow as soon as the National meeting in Paris60 had been completed. The Generalissimo replied, through his son to the Russian Embassy, that in the present critical condition of affairs in China he could not leave but he would consider the matter.
The Generalissimo then discussed the memorandum I had submitted to him at his request regarding a possible basis for settlement in Manchuria. In general so far as the military terms were concerned he voiced agreement but made specific proviso to the effect that the Communist troops should not occupy Harbin. As to the political [Page 841] factors he only expressed himself to the following effect. First, that the military headquarters and the Central Military Headquarters in Manchuria should be terminated and also the political and economic councils. Thereafter the Central Government should control matters directly through the nine provincial governors.
As to negotiations with General Chou En-lai leading to a possible settlement, he desired to wait for the present leaving the first move to General Chou En-lai. He desired that I do not discuss with Chou a basis for Manchurian settlement until Chou came to me on his own initiative.
I then stated my deep concern over the critical status of affairs in North China which I feared might break up into open conflict also any moment. Therefore, it appeared to me delays would be very dangerous because once breaks appear it would almost be impossible to resolve the situation peacefully. I explained to the Generalissimo that Byroade was now with Chou En-lai discussing the proposition to have a formally signed agreement by the Committee of Three authorizing teams to go anywhere without restraint.