Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Summary of General Marshall’s Proposals for a Compromise Solution of the Manchurian Issues53

General Marshall suggests that he propose that the Communists withdraw from Changchun and that an advance echelon of Executive Headquarters be established therein as a basis for terminating the fighting preliminary to entering into negotiations.
When arranging for acceptance of (1) above, General Marshall would have an understanding with the Communist representative that Government troops would subsequently occupy Changchun, within a maximum time of six months, preferably a much shorter delay.
Also, General Marshall would reach a preliminary understanding with the Communist representative regarding a revision of the troop ratio in Manchuria on the basis of not to exceed one Communist army to five Nationalist armies.
General Marshall would use his influence to preclude occupation of key cities north of Changchun by Communist forces.
  1. Notation: “Handed to Yu [Ta-wei] 11 May.”