Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Summary of General Marshall’s Proposals for a Compromise Solution of the Manchurian Issues53
[Nanking,] May 11, 1946.
- 1.
- General Marshall suggests that he propose that the Communists withdraw from Changchun and that an advance echelon of Executive Headquarters be established therein as a basis for terminating the fighting preliminary to entering into negotiations.
- 2.
- When arranging for acceptance of (1) above, General Marshall would have an understanding with the Communist representative that Government troops would subsequently occupy Changchun, within a maximum time of six months, preferably a much shorter delay.
- 3.
- Also, General Marshall would reach a preliminary understanding with the Communist representative regarding a revision of the troop ratio in Manchuria on the basis of not to exceed one Communist army to five Nationalist armies.
- 4.
- General Marshall would use his influence to preclude occupation of key cities north of Changchun by Communist forces.
- Notation: “Handed to Yu [Ta-wei] 11 May.”↩