893.00/5–1046: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Smyth) to the Secretary of State

779. Summary M[ilitary] A[ttaché’s] report for period 21 April through 6 May.

[Page 823]

Control of Changchun in Communist hands following defeat numerically inferior Nationalist force. Assistant Military Attaché at Changchun during action reports Communist forces young, well disciplined, battle experienced, with excellent morale and well indoctrinated with Communist principles. Communists employed 6 Jap tanks operated by Japanese and were armed with high ratio automatic weapons most of which were Japanese.

Communist sources report Communist occupation Harbin 28 April. Little change reported in Szupingkai area; Govt forces penetrated suburbs on 26 April but were repulsed. Govt forces stormed and occupied Penghsihu on 3 May.

Chinese G–2 reports, 110,000 Soviet troops in Dairen-Port Arthur area and states 50,000 Soviet troops transferred from Manchuria to northern Korea. Remainder Soviet force Manchuria state[d] concentrated Manchuli.

Recurrence Govt-Communist clashes eastern Shantung. Reported fighting has also broken out in northern Hupei and southern Honan, but not confirmed.

Govt anxious to commence repatriation Japanese from Manchuria. Reports indicate 300,000 Japanese in Mukden area and 30,000 at Chinchow.
