Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Memorandum by General Marshall to General Chou En-lai
Dear General Chou: I have been informed by Mr. Robertson that Colonel Humphrey of Team number 26 proceed[ed] to the town of Pei Piao (in eastern Jehol) on 1 May for the purpose of investigating a reported massing of Communist troops. Colonel Humphrey, accompanied by one interpreter and 2 Communist civilian guides attempted to contact the local Communist commanders. During this trip the party was fired upon by Communist party snipers and one civilian was killed. Colonel Humphrey received a slight wound. I have been further informed that this is not the first instance of U. S. team members being fired upon by Communist troops. Mr. Robertson protested this matter to Commissioner Yeh who expressed his deep regret, promised immediate investigation and promised to send messages to all Communist commanders to prevent recurrence of such incidents.
This situation has been complicated, if not caused, by the refusal of the Communist member of Team 26 to accompany it from Chengtu in defiance of the order of Executive Headquarters.
The American officers whose lives or security have been placed in jeopardy by these incidents are engaged solely in an effort to avert war and they are doing so under orders for which I alone am responsible.