Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to General Marshall
444. Following message was received from Byroade and is quoted in full for your information:
[Here follows text of telegram of April 3 printed on page 726.]
In view of Byroade’s consideration in this matter I have wired Robertson to the effect that the trip for the Committee of Three to Mukden will be temporarily delayed. I feel strongly that it is necessary for the Committee of Three to adopt basic principles for the activity of the field teams in Manchuria prior to our visit there. I feel that a visit to Mukden prior to the adoption of basic principles for the field team operations would prove nonproductive and would result in a trip which would provide us only with information already in our possession. Accordingly I am approaching the Communist and National sides individually in order to determine what common ground can be adopted for the basis of a satisfactory agreement. Both sides appear at this time willing to accept the terms of the basic agreement with reference to cessation of hostilities as applicable to Manchuria. The big question remains however of movements “into and within [Page 735] Manchuria” which of course is opposed by the Communists. I believe, however, that this matter can be resolved by a compromise which would indicate that the National Government would discuss with Communist representatives the question of National Government movements in Manchuria. I realize that this is a departure from the original intention of the basic agreement but because of existing circumstances it appears to me to be necessary in order to resolve this question. I feel that the important question is to have accepted and publicly announced the matter that the cease fire order is applicable to Manchuria, which question thus far is in abeyance because of commissioners’ public announcement in January to the contrary. In my contacts with General Chou En-lai and General Chen Cheng I have stressed the importance of agreement in principle. I feel that by early next week we can have a workable solution which does not jeopardize the intent of the basic agreement.