Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Memorandum by General Chou En-lai to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr.

Regarding the implementation of the Cease Fire Agreement69 in Kwangtung, and the withdrawal and demobilization of the Communist-led troops in that province the following memorandum has been forwarded to General Chang Chih-chung:

  • “1. Owing to the fact that the military authority in Kwangtung has failed to recognize the due status of the Communist-led East River and Hainan Anti-Japanese Brigades in time, the eighth field team, which has arrived at Canton on January 25th, has at no time been able to establish connection with the Brigades mentioned above. Nor could the latter, being rounded up and dismembered, send representative to Canton or Weichow to contact the field team.
  • “2. Seeing that agreement has now been reached by the Conference of Three to the effect that the Communist-led Anti-Japanese units in Kwangtung should come under the Cease Fire Agreement and that General Marshall has promised to see what arrangement can be made on the U. S. part to provide shipping facilities for the movement of the over three thousand armed officers and enlisted men of the two Brigades from Kwangtung coast to Chefoo, Shantung, a basic agreement has thereby been reached on the problem which has heretofore been facing the eighth field team.
  • “3. In view of this fact, I am submitting herewith to you four concrete proposals, which, upon your approval, I beg to be transmitted to General Chang Fa-kwei in Canton for action:
    The Nationalist troops in Kwangtung are requested to cease attacks on the Communist-led Anti-Japanese units in Kwangtung, allow the eighth field team in Canton to establish free and unrestricted contact with the East River and Hainan Anti-Japanese Brigades, and render assistance and safe conduct for their free movement.
    In order to contact and assemble the East River and Hainan Anti-Japanese Brigades, which have been rounded up and dismembered, the eighth field team in Canton shall through General Tseng Sheng, Commanding general, and General Lin Ping, Political Commissar of the East River Anti-Japanese Brigade, and General Feng Pai-chu, Commanding General of the Hainan Anti-Japanese Brigade or their representatives transmit the demobilization and redisposition order with reference to these units, and request the Kwangtung military authority to guarantee the safe conduct of the afore-mentioned persons in those places.
    After the afore-mentioned persons have established contact with the Communist-led troops under reference, the field team shall despatch representatives to places reported by Generals Tseng Sheng, Lin Ping and Feng Pai-chu or their representatives to supervise the implementation of the Cease Fire Order, and to [Page 616] arrange within the shortest time the assemblage of the dismembered units along the East River and in Hainan, to Tapeng Peninsula and Tanhsien, Hainan, respectively, pending withdrawal on board of U. S. naval vessels.
    While the afore-mentioned units are on move to locations assigned for assemblage, the military authority in Kwangtung shall be requested to guarantee the safe conduct of those units, the provision of transportation facilities, their unrestricted purchase of food and supplies. Also, liaison officers shall be exchanged to facilitate the field team work and the successful completion of the troop transfer.
    When the troops have completed assemblage at the Tapeng Peninsula and Tanhsien, pending withdrawal to Chefoo, the Kwangtung military authority is hereby specifically requested not to launch any military attack or raiding action, nor to impose a blockade on food purchase, trade, communication, telegraphic and post service under whatever pretext.
    In addition to the over three thousand men to be transferred, the Communist Anti-Japanese units in Kwangtung shall further have some 3000 men to be demobilized owing to age or physical unfitness. These persons shall after demobilization be sent home or employed otherwise, in accordance with the Demobilization Plan.70 With reference to those demobilized persons, the Kwangtung military authority is requested to extend full protection for their security, and prohibit persecution under any pretext. In adherence to the Demobilization Plan, those demobilized officers and enlisted men shall each receive a discharge paper, enjoy a treatment in common with the other demobilized officers and enlisted men, and have the full freedom of residence and employment.
  • “4. It is further requested that you will duly instruct the military and civil authorities in Kwangtung to release all the personnel of the Communist-led Anti-Japanese military units or local civil authorities, who have been arrested or captured during or after the War of Resistance, and are still in custody.

“Your comments will be highly appreciated.”

Faithfully Yours

[Signature in Chinese]
Chou En-lai
  1. January 10; see memorandum by the Committee of Three to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, p. 125.
  2. February 25, p. 295.