Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Memorandum by Colonel J. Hart Caughey to General Marshall
The following message has just been received and is quoted for your information:
“To all field teams and team members info Marshall, Chou En-lai, Gov. Chang Chun, from the commissioners signed Robertson.
“This message will be sent thru Executive Headquarters Chinese branches channels to senior field commanders in National Government and Communist military areas. Message begins:
[Page 430]“All troops, whether or not they are called puppet troops as long as they are recognized by either Government or Communist forces, are included in the cease fire order. Such troops and the forces opposing them will maintain the positions held as of 2400 January 30, or, if necessary, as determined by Executive Headquarters field teams. This is an interim arrangement pending final decision by the Committee of Three of all questions relating to the status of troops. End.”
Similar memorandum furnished General Chou En-lai and Colonel Pee.
Colonel, G. S. C.