711.11B/7–346: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States High Commissioner in the Philippines (McNutt)


1226. For High Commissioner. Dept now negotiating with British revision jurisdiction article British Base Agreement and expects [Page 897] conclude negotiations shortly. You are requested propose Philippine authorities that Philippine Base Agreement be signed July 4 substituting for Art. 14 provision as follows: “The question of jurisdiction to be exercised over offenses committed by members of US armed forces connected with the maintenance or operation of the bases, and civilian personnel officially connected therewith, is reserved for settlement by agreement between the two parties to be reached within 2 months from the date of the signature of this agreement. Pending conclusion of such agreement it is mutually agreed that the provisions of Executive Order no. 151 of the President of the Philippines, Apr 30, 1938 shall be applied.” In this connection you may say to President Roxas this Govt hopes he will be prepared accept in proposed agreement whatever provision concerning jurisdiction may be worked out between this Govt and British. State, War and Navy attach importance signing of base agreement on July 4.


[For texts of statements issued on July 3 by President Truman and by Acting Secretary of State Acheson on Philippine independence, see Department of State Bulletin, July 14, 1946, page 67. For special radio program celebrating Philippine independence, including messages by President Truman and Acting Secretary Acheson, see ibid., pages 67–69. For President Truman’s proclamation on the independence of the Philippines, July 4, 1946, see ibid., page 66.

The treaty of general relations, with accompanying protocol, between the United States and the Philippines, signed at Manila, July 4, 1946, came into force October 22 upon the exchange of ratifications. For text, see Department of State Bulletin, November 3, 1946, pages 824–826. For the Secretary of State’s memorandum to the President, July 26, and President Truman’s message to the Senate, July 30, see ibid., August 11, 1946, pages 282–283.

The agreement between the United States and the Philippines concerning trade and related matters, based on the Philippine Trade Act of 1946 (approved April 30; Public Law 371, 79th Congress; 60 Stat. 141), was signed at Manila, July 4, 1946, amended by an exchange of notes signed October 22, proclaimed by President Truman on December 17 (effective December 18), and proclaimed by President Roxas on January 1, 1947 (in force January 2, 1947).]