Records of the State–War–Navy Coordinating
Committee, Lot 52–M45, 091 Korea
Memorandum by the State Department Member of the
State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee (Dunn) to
the Committee
Washington, January 4, 1946.
Subject: Korean Delegation to United Nations
Reference is made to SM–4613 dated December 31, 19454 on the above subject and
enclosing a copy of War Department telegram CM–IN 8258 of December 30,
The following memorandum was sent to the Operations Division, War
Department General Staff on January 3, 1946 prior to the receipt of
SM–4613 under reference:
- “(1) It is suggested that with a view to obtaining more
accurate information upon which to base a decision General
Hodge be asked
[Page 606]
details regarding the extent and scope of the ‘great
pressure’ mentioned by him.
- “(2) It is suggested that General Hodge be informed that
it is not within our competence to consent to a formal
Korean delegation or a group of observers to proceed to the
UNO meeting, as this
matter would have to be taken up and cleared with the other
United Nations.
- “(3) The State Department would have no objection,
however, to a grant by General Hodge of transportation
facilities to London for one or two Korean individuals,
provided the General felt that such action would prove of
definite value to him in his administration of Korea and
provided also that it was clearly understood that the
Koreans were going, not as officials or as a delegation, but
purely as private individuals.”6
It is recommended that the Secretariat be authorized to inform the Joint
Chiefs of Staff of the action taken as outlined above.