851G.00/4–146: Telegram
The Consul at Saigon (Reed) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 2—10:30 p.m.]
70. Assassination Dr. Phat, member Cochin China Council, on March 29 by known Vietminh extremists and threats to kill members opposed to Cochin China joining Vietnam has not helped Vietnam cause. Increasing extremist activities Saigon and Cochin China also bad effect and moderate Cochin Chinese not particularly pro-French comment Vietminh trying to force joining Vietnam whether Cochin Chinese desires or not. On other hand French seizure of Treasury Hanoi precipitating general strike and incidents in Tonkin have not helped French cause and inspires little confidence that they will keep faith. One might hope that both sides take no steps during period of negotiation which might jeopardize final peaceable outcome but every likelihood stormy period ahead, particularly so far as concerns mature status Cochin China.