
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Hilldring) to SWNCC

Subject: Draft Directive Regarding Provisions For the Review of a New Japanese Constitution.

There is enclosed a draft directive prepared on the basis of a policy decision unanimously approved at the 30th meeting of the Far Eastern Commission on October 17, 1946, under the provisions of paragraph II, A, 1, of its Terms of Reference. It will be noted that this policy decision is quoted verbatim in the enclosed draft directive.

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It is requested that the enclosed directive be forwarded to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for transmission to General MacArthur for his guidance in accordance with paragraph III, 1, of the Terms of Reference of the Far Eastern Commission. It is assumed that if the Joint Chiefs of Staff have any question regarding the draft directive they will refer the matter to the State Department for clarification before transmitting a directive on the subject.31

J. H. Hilldring

Draft Directive Regarding Provisions for the Review of a New Japanese Constitution


The following directive, prepared by the State Department to implement the policy adopted by the Far Eastern Commission on 17 October 1946 under the provisions of Paragraph II, A, 1, of its Terms of Reference, has been received from the State, War, and Navy Departments for transmission to you for your guidance in accordance with Paragraph III, 1, of those Terms of Reference:

  • “1. The new constitution, which will in due season after promulgation become the legal successor of the present constitution with such changes as have been made or may be made as a result of consideration and policy decision of the Far Eastern Commission, shall be subject to further review by the Diet and the Far Eastern Commission in terms of the following paragraph.
  • “2. In order that the Japanese people may have an opportunity, after the new constitution goes into effect, to reconsider it in the light of the experience of its working, and in order that the Far Eastern Commission may satisfy itself that the constitution fulfills the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and other controlling documents, the Commission decides as a matter of policy that, not sooner than one year and not later than two years after it goes into effect, the situation with respect to the new constitution should be reviewed by the Diet. Without prejudice to the continuing jurisdiction of the Far Eastern Commission at any time, the Commission shall also review the constitution within this same period. The Far Eastern Commission, in determining whether the Japanese constitution is an expression of the free will of the Japanese people, may require a referendum or some other appropriate procedure for ascertaining Japanese opinion with respect to the constitution.”

  1. The directive was sent to SCAP as serial 62, October 28, 1946, and to the Far Eastern Commission on November 5.