740.00119 FEAC/10–1846: Telegram
Mr. Choibalsan to the Secretary of State
[Received October 18, 1946—9:24 p.m.]
Your Excellency: The Government of the Mongolian People’s Republic has the honor to request the Council of Foreign Ministers to include a representative of the Mongolian People’s Republic in the Far Eastern Commission, set up in accordance with the decision of the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers. The Government of the Mongolian People’s Republic is basing this request on the decision of the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, that runs as follows:
The membership of the Commission may be increased by agreement among the participating powers as conditions warrant by the addition of representatives of other United Nations in the Far East or having territories therein.
Applying to the Council of Foreign Ministers with a request to include a representative of the Mongolian People’s Republic in the Far Eastern Commission, the Government of the Republic considers it necessary to draw the attention of the Council of Foreign Ministers to the following facts:
That since June 1941 the Mongolian People’s Republic has entirely taken the side of the United Nations in their struggle against Fascist aggressors and had rendered assistance to the Red Army, by all resources at its disposal, from the very beginning of the war against Germany up to the complete victory over it.
That the Mongolian People’s Republic in the course of all its existence, i.e. since 1921, has been one of the bulwarks of peace in the Far [Page 345] East and represented a considerable barrier against the expansion of the aggressive plans of Japanese Imperialists who wished to penetrate deep into Asia and against their designs to seize the western and the northern parts of China and some territory of the USSR.
That as a result of the above the whole of the Mongolian People’s Republic had been constantly in a state of mobilization and ready to resist Japanese aggressors.
That since 1935 as a result of ferocious armed attacks by Japan on our territory in the regions of Khalkhin-Sume, Buir-Nur, Bhulan-Dersu and Khalkhin-Gol, the Mongolian People’s Republic and its people have suffered considerable losses in men and material.
That the Mongolian People’s Republic, being one of the bulwarks of democratic countries in the Far East in their struggle against Fascist aggression and for the cause of peace and security in the world, on the 10th of August, 1945, declared war on Japan and sent against it an army of 80,000 men, which, acting in cooperation with the Red Army units, made a celebrated march across the Gobi Desert and the great Khinghan mountains and destroyed fortified areas at the approaches to Kalgan, Dolonnor and Jehol.
All this gives to the government of the Mongolian People’s Republic a firm hope that the Council of Foreign Ministers will take into consideration the contribution made by the Mongolian people to the cause of the United Nations and include a representative of the Mongolian People’s Republic in the Far Eastern Commission.
The present telegram is being sent simultaneously to all other members of the Council of Foreign Ministers.29
I avail myself of this opportunity to request Your Excellency, on behalf of the Government of the Mongolian People’s Republic and of myself, to accept the assurances of highest consideration.
Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Mongolian People’s Republic
- In a memorandum of conversation with a member of the French delegation to the Far Eastern Commission on October 30, 1946, the Deputy Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Penfield) stated that “we intended to take no action for the time being on Choibalsan’s telegram”, since the Mongolian People’s Republic was not a member of the United Nations. The French held a similar view. (740.00119 FEAC/10–3046)↩