740.00119 Control (Japan)/2–2546

Memorandum by the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee to the Secretary of State


Subject: Basic Directive for Post-Surrender Military Government in Japan Proper.

References: a. SWNCC 52/8/D
b. SWNCC 52/9
c. SWNCC 52/10

By informal action on 25 February 1946 the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee approved SWNCC 52/9, a copy of which is enclosed.94

In approving this paper the Committee agreed that the original and revised instructions of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to General MacArthur recommended by the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee be made available to the Far Eastern Commission.

It is requested that these instructions, contained in Appendices “A” and “B” of the approved paper, be transmitted to the Far Eastern Commission by the State Department.95

The Joint Chiefs of Staff on 14 February 1946 advised General MacArthur that the messages contained in Appendices “A” and “B” were being made available to the Far Eastern Commission.

For the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee:
H. Freeman Matthews

Acting Chairman
[Page 147]
[Annex 1]

Appendix “A”

SWNCC 52/996
Warx 88780

Radio to SCAP From Joint Chiefs of Staff

Review of the Japanese situation with respect to atomic energy by the State, War and Navy Departments indicates the following amplification of the policy in Warx 79907:97 Release from custody of Japanese scientists formerly engaged in atomic energy research is authorized. Guarding of Japanese laboratories is no longer required and normal entry of Japanese may be allowed. The prohibition of research activities on atomic energy should be continued. A register of all scientists, instructors, and students familiar with atomic energy research should be made and periodic physical checks should be made on their activities and all laboratories in which atomic energy might be studied. All stocks of uranium and thorium should be impounded. No publicity is to be given these instructions without further directions from the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

[Annex 2]

Appendix “B”

SWNCC 52/998
Warx 79907

Paraphrase of Radio to SCAP From Joint Chiefs of Staff

Policy for research on atomic energy is subject.

Research activities on atomic energy or related matters should not be permitted in Japan. All persons engaged in such research will be taken into custody and all facilities for research on atomic energy or related matters shall be seized. Report with full information regarding the action taken and the results thereof will be made to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

[For address by Secretary of State James F. Byrnes before the first meeting of the Far Eastern Commission at 10:30 a.m., on February 26 in Washington, released to the press on the same day, see Department of State Bulletin, March 10, 1946, page 378.]

  1. February 1, not printed.
  2. These papers were transmitted on March 4.
  3. As revised February 8, 1946.
  4. Infra.
  5. As revised February 8, 1946.