740.00119 Control (Japan)/2–1946

Mr. Max W. Bishop, of the Office of the Political Adviser in Japan, to the Secretary of State

No. 265

Sir: I have the honor to enclose a copy of a “Report of Interview”85 with Nosaka Sanzo conducted by the Government Section of General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.

Mr. Nosaka stated that the Communist Party is still weak; that membership is “wide open” with special appeals made to young people and women; that Communist influence is wider than actual membership, especially among industrial workers, intellectuals and tenant farmers; that initial Communist strategy was not efficient, as adequate attention to the necessity for working with other people was not given; that the ultimate goal is a Communist state to be preceded by a “democratic organization of Japan”; that except for land, he does not favor expropriation of property at the present time; that the Imperial dynasty might be continued or abolished in accordance with the will of the people but in any case should be stripped of all political power; that the present Emperor must accept war responsibility; that the Japanese Communist Party has no connection with Moscow leaders and has no funds or advice from Soviet Russia; and that political parties represent class interests, hence, as long as there are rival classes in Japan, there may be rival parties, but when the Communists have achieved success and only one class remains, only “one party will be necessary”. To this statement, Mr. Nosaka might have added “or permitted”. In conclusion, it was stated that the Communist Party [Page 142] plans to hold a congress beginning February 24 to draft further policy and strategy.86

Respectfully yours,

Max W. Bishop

Foreign Service Officer
  1. Not printed.
  2. John K. Emmerson of the Division of Japanese Affairs on March 13 in an attached memorandum commented: “In an interview with Nosaka in Tokyo on January 30, I gained the distinct impression that he was genuinely discouraged with present leadership of the party in Japan. He deplored the death in prison of several outstanding party members and indicated that he felt it would take some time to educate and develop new capable and effective leaders.” (740.00119 Control (Japan)/2–1946)