761.67/2–2846: Telegram

The Ambassador in Turkey (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


248. With reference to statement by Bevin during his foreign policy survey in House Commons February 2134 that frontier between Turkey and Russia was drawn by Stalin himself, Ali Fuat Pasha, present [Page 817] Minister Communications who was special Ambassador to Russia during period when Moscow treaty of March 16, 1921 was negotiated, tells me following: Negotiations concerning frontier struck snag at two points, Batum and area lying southeast of Kars. In view of deadlock Soviet Foreign Commissar Chicherin proposed delegations meet with Stalin who was then Commissar for Nationalities and far more influential than Chicherin. This was done and it was in detailed negotiations with Stalin that frontier between Turkey, Soviet Republics of Georgia and Erivan was finally drawn. Stalin insisted on retaining Batum and agreed that if Turkey would sacrifice Batum Russia would sacrifice area near Kars. Frontier was settled on this basis.

Sent Dept as 248; repeated London 46 and Moscow 24.

  1. In telegram 254, March 1, 3 p.m., from Ankara, Ambassador Wilson reported that the Bevin statement had greatly reassured Turkish Government circles, who regarded the reference to Turkey as an event of outstanding international significance (741.67/3–146).