867N.01/12–646: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Basel (Sholes)
68. For Lehrs3 from Henderson. Re Deptel 63 Nov 22.4 During scheduled sessions World Zionist Congress Dec 9 through 23 and in [Page 728] resolutions adopted, Dept expects present differences policy re solution Palestine problem between coalition group headed by Weizmann, Wise and Goldmann and anti-Administration group headed by Silver and Ben-Gurion may be resolved. Coalition group consisting principally representatives and adherents Jewish Agency has advocated creation viable state in control own immigration and economic policies in adequate area Palestine instead whole of Palestine. Anti-Administration group which has recently included many members Zionist Organization of America has criticized Administration for not insisting on creation Jewish state in whole of Palestine, at least until it is apparent concessions will result in acceptable agreement. ZOA representation at Congress will include Silver and Sack.
Zionist groups have refused up to now participate conference London to which Brit invited Jewish and Arab representatives but discussions took place between Brit and Arabs in Sept and Oct. Discussions, which were inconclusive, were postponed until Dec 16 with almost certain prospects now further postponement until Jan5 due present preoccupation Arab leaders with UN matters and possibility World Zionist Congress decision re participation in discussions when renewed. Meanwhile Jewish leaders both groups have been attempting obtain promise from Bevin that Brit will consider Agency partition plan as basis for discussions Jan. They state if such promise given they may be able to persuade Congress authorize participation in discussions.
Refer President’s statement Oct 4 and letter Oct 25 to Ibn Saud, Radio Bulletins No. 238 and 258, respectively, for summary recent official American statements.
Pre-Congress estimates indicate delegates total 375 of whom 70 are anti-Administration, 300 are coalition and 5 independent, although some coalition may vote against Administration on policy and principally on organizational matters.
Congress will probably discuss following publicly: (1) Whether accept, reject or advocate change in existing regime in Palestine to federation, partition or provincial autonomy. (2) Whether attend London talks and what policy. (3) Whether Palestine problem should be presented to UN. (4) Vote of confidence in present Administration. (5) Economic questions such as financing legal and illegal immigration to Palestine, financing overall Jewish Agency program including absorption 100,000 immigrants and Jordan Valley authority project. (6) Attitude towards Arabs. (7) Extension non-Zionist representation in Jewish Agency Executive.
[Page 729]Congress will probably discuss following privately: (1) Attitude toward terrorism. (2) Expansion program for illegal immigration and settlement illegal immigrants in forbidden zones.
Confirming telephone conversation with Sholes and Lehrs latter is authorized attend public sessions as deemed desirable by him as informal observer. His telegraphic reports through Consulate should be marked for attention NEA to expedite handling and within 2 weeks following close session Lehrs should submit comprehensive report despatch form accompanied by appropriate documents.
Sent Basel, reptd Bern. [Henderson.]
- John A. Lehrs, Vice Consul at Basel.↩
- Not printed.↩
- According to telegram 9985, December 7, 1946, from London, British Foreign Office statement published on December 7 announced postponement of the Palestine Conference to an unspecified date in January. The postponement was said to have been made on Mr. Bevin’s direct instructions. (867N.01/12–746).↩