867N.01/10–446: Telegram
The British Prime Minister (Attlee) to President Truman 73
London, [undated.]
Dear Mr. President: I have received from Mr. Gallman a copy of your proposed statement on Palestine. The Foreign Secretary is in Paris and I should like to have time to consult him. You are, I am sure, aware that we are in consultation with members of the Jewish Agency at the present time. I would, therefore, earnestly request you to postpone making your statement at least for the time necessary for me to communicate with Mr. Bevin.
Yours sincerely,
C. R. Attlee
- Received from London as Embassy’s telegram 8605, October 4, 1946, 1 a.m., with the following introductory paragraph by the Chargé: “For the Acting Secretary. I have just seen Prime Minister and given him President’s message (your 6959, October 3). Prime Minister prepared following reply, which he asks to be delivered to the President as promptly as possible.” The Prime Minister’s message was delivered to the White House at 9:35 p.m.↩