867N.01/9–2046: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Gallman) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 21—1:42 a.m.]
8333. Armstrong, Secretary British Delegation Palestine Conference, gave Embassy today in strict confidence following résumé of recent Jewish Agency approaches to British Government regarding participation Conference.
On September 14 Dr. Goldmann saw Bevin and Hall together. He stated that Jewish Agency was now prepared to attend Conference to state its views. Regarding Jewish Agency representation, he was told that no members of the Executive now detained or liable to detention would be received at conference. Goldmann said that Jews would not insist on this point but they would like invitations extended to a number of American Jews outside Jewish Agency. To this last British replied that a number of difficulties would be involved but no decision was taken. At Goldmann’s suggestion an agreed communiqué was drafted stating that on September 17 Jewish Agency would begin to participate to state its views.
On September 16 Goldmann requested that the communiqué should be held up in order for him to consult with his Jewish Agency colleagues overseas. On September 19, according British source, Goldmann and Locker65 saw Bevin and Hall and asked British to permit members of the Executive now detained to form a part of Jewish Agency delegation. Shertok was mentioned particularly. Bevin and Hall said that they considered this request contrary to position which they understood was agreed September 14 and that British could not receive this category of delegate. Bevin said there would be no objection to Jewish Agency asking American Jews other than members of Jewish Agency to attend Conference as observers.
Locker is flying Palestine today to put British position, including British intransigeance re delegates, before Action Committee which will meet Sunday.
Goldmann called at Embassy today and gave much the same account of his negotiations except that, according to him no agreement was reached on September 14 re Jewish Agency representation. He understood that British were prepared to consider a specific list of suggested Jewish Agency delegates. It was surprise to him to learn September 19 that British would make no exception. He said that personally he was doubtful that Action Committee would approve participation without at least one or two such figures as Shertok. In eleventh hour [Page 698] effort to remove British on this point he said that he was sending today to Hall a tentative list of 35 Jewish Agency delegates including Shertok and Ben-Gurion, with thought that while British might delete certain names the principle of a representative Jewish Agency delegation would be assured. Goldmann recalled that in 1939 British had released Arabs to attend conference and said that present British intransigeance re detained members Executive made him wonder whether British desired solution. If Action Committee refuses to attend Goldmann said that he would return to United States at once.
At Conference today consideration was given to Arabs counterproposals (Embassy’s 8281 to Department repeated Jerusalem 67, September 1966) which were handed British late yesterday. Substance counter-proposals is still secret.
Sent Department 8333; repeated Jerusalem 68.