867N.01/9–546: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers 59
At press conference Sept 5 President was asked whether he would like to say what he had told Brit on Palestine problem some time ago. President replied that all had been made public. When correspondent pointed out President’s reply to Attlee had never been made public President said substance had been made public, adding that what he was trying to do was get 100,000 Jews into Palestine and he was still interested in it.
Correspondent remarked that it had never been officially stated that our Govt had turned down Grady–Morrison plan and he inquired whether we rejected it, to which President said it was still under consideration. Asked whether he would go along with $300,000,000 loan in Grady–Morrison plan, President replied that was still under consideration and he would rather not make any statement until whole program had been decided. Correspondent inquired whether we were going send any observers to Anglo-Arab-Jewish conference London, to which President replied in negative stating we were not interested in it. Asked if what he had said about Palestine meant discussions were still under way between American and Brit Govts President replied in affirmative stating discussions were still going on London.60