867N.01/8–2046: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador to the United Kingdom (Harriman), at Paris

top secret
us urgent   niact

4233. For Ambassador Harriman. Goldmann informed us by telephone this morning from Paris substantially as follows:

He had had number of useful constructive talks with Bevin and other members Brit Govt but had reached impasse apparently because attitude of Hall.
In view attitude extreme Zionists in America, particularly Silver group,53 Executive Agency could not agree attend conference called consider proposals other than those looking towards establishment Jewish state following partition.
Chief Arab Dept Jewish Agency had had conversations with responsible Arab leaders Cairo who confidentially and informally stated they also agreeable discuss definite partition.
Agency had proposed that preliminary to opening formal conferences there should be arranged secret informal conversations between Brit and Jews and Brit and Arabs with idea these preliminary conversations might find mutually agreeable bases for formal conferences. Bevin seemed rather sympathetic to suggestion; Hall opposed preliminary conversations and insisted that only formal conference be held primarily to consider Morrison proposals although prepared consider such other proposals as might be advanced. Goldmann says Arabs also favorable preliminary conversations since fanatical extremists Arab countries would render it difficult for them to begin openly to make compromises.
In view critical situation it was extremely important that we informally approach Brit and in some manner indicate we consider preliminary conversations might be useful and that we have concern lest failure arrange such conversations might render holding conference impossible.

We have made no undertakings to Goldmann but have informed him we shall give matter consideration. We hesitate instruct that approach be made Brit Govt since we are not acquainted with atmosphere present informal talks nor with all factors involved. It would appear to us from Goldmann’s statements that conference would have better chance of success if preliminary informal conversations could be held which would give Jews and Arabs chance to talk freely and privately. We leave to your discretion whether it might serve useful purpose for you to discuss this matter informally with Bevin or other appropriate Brit officials. Goldmann says final decision may be taken in Cabinet meeting tomorrow.

Repeated to London.

  1. The group supporting Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, President of the Zionist Organization of America.