867N. 01/5–446: Telegram

The Chargé in Iraq (Moose) to the Secretary of State


229. Foreign Ministry has sent Legation copy of Iraq Government’s formal protest to British Embassy against findings of Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry. Iraqi Government points out that it “holds Great Britain solely responsible for the policy which is being applied in Palestine” and that U. S. is being informed as matter of courtesy. Highlights of protest, complete translation of which follows by air, are as follows:

Iraqi never recognized the validity of the Committee nor bound itself to accept its recommendations.
“Justice demands that fate of Palestine be decided by its legitimate inhabitants only.”
Committee’s claim that Palestine is only land offering substantial hope for Jewish immigration is strange indeed since Committee has not investigated capacity of U.S. or British possessions as haven for Jews.
Committee ignored Arab rights in Arab country.
“Committee’s recommendation for entry of 100,000 Jews is flagrant aggression against Arab rights and challenge to humanitarian principles and international pledges which have been made to them. Immediate immigration of 100,000 Jews into Palestine and continued Zionist immigration thereafter is dangerous not only to the Arabs of Palestine but to all the Middle Eastern Countries and this danger will undoubtedly result in bloodshed and in disturbing the peace and security in this part of the world.”
Removal of restrictions covering transfer of lands to Zionists will once again enable Jews to strip Arabs of their possessions and means of livelihood.
Committee was unduly influenced by “Zionist pressure in U. S.—unfortunate plight of Jews in Europe and through Zionist terrorism in Palestine.”
“Adoption of any of the Committee’s recommendations which fall short of the 1939 White Paper shall be regarded as an unjust act calculated to disturb international peace in the Middle East.”
The British Government as mandatory power is alone responsible, legally and morally, for what will take place in and for Palestine in the other Arab countries.
The interference of USA in Palestine’s affairs has no legal validity because if the U.S. were devoid of Zionist influence its relationship with Palestine would be like that of any other power of the United Nations.
