891.00/12–1746: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:14 p.m.]
1597. Principal reason for sudden collapse of Azerbaijan movement, in Shah’s opinion, was (1) surprising weakness of Tabriz military organization, (2) high morale and determination of Tehran forces, and (3) most important, conviction by all concerned (Soviets, Iranians and Azerbaijanis) that United States was solidly supporting Iranian sovereignty.
[Page 563]In view of Soviet Ambassador’s strenuous efforts to prevent sending of Tehran forces to Azerbaijan and his frequent declarations to Shah and Qavam that USSR would not remain indifferent if those forces proceeded, people are asking why Soviets failed to give Azerbaijan any significant material assistance. Practically every Iranian, including notably the Shah, thinks answer lies primarily in fact that Soviets were finally convinced that US was not bluffing and would support any United Nations member threatened by aggression.
Embassy has received numerous visits from Iranian Cabinet officers and officials, including Minister of War, Minister of Finance, Governor of National Bank, President of last Majlis, et cetera, to express appreciation to America for “giving back Azerbaijan to Iran.[”]
At an informal social gathering last night Shah made a fulsome and even embarrassing tribute to our help. Azerbaijan was referred to by others present as the “Stalingrad of the western democracies” and the “turn of the tides against Soviet aggression throughout the world”. I emphasized that Iranians themselves had regained Azerbaijan and that any credit for enabling Iran to accomplish this free from outside interference, was due to existence of a world organization which could mobilize opinion against such interference.
Repeated Moscow 314.