891.00/12–1146: Telegram

The Ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the Secretary of State


1580. Soviet Ambassador made further urgent and strong representations to Qavam last night regarding Azerbaijan question. Qavam sent for me this morning to read telegram he had just drafted to Ambassador Ala on subject. Qavam told Ala that report was for his confidential information for the present and that he should await further instructions before taking any action (i.e. before reporting it to Security Council).

[Page 560]

Soviet Ambassador demanded to know why Qavam bad reported his “friendly advice” to Security Council. Qavam replied in effect that it was because of threatening tone Ambassador had used in giving that advice. Soviet Ambassador grew very angry, became rude, and declared that Soviet Government would not remain passive in face of this disturbance near Soviet frontier.30 Conversation lasted hour and half, and Soviet Ambassador left in very bad temper.

Qavam assured me he was not disturbed by these Soviet threats but he was somewhat uneasy lest Iran might not be supported strongly in Security Council. I expressed confidence that he would find support in Council in direct proportion to firmness with which he maintained Iranian sovereignty.

Repeated London 185, Moscow 310.

  1. Telegram 1567, December 8, 3 p.m., from Tehran, had advised of reports that clashes had taken place between Iranian and Azerbaijani forces but that no serious fighting had occurred (891.00/12–846).