711.91/11–2246: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Allen)
976. We have given careful consideration urtels urging US implement more fully its declared policy assistance Iran. In view great importance we attach Iranian problem, not only in terms Iran-US relations but also in terms UN principles supporting independence small countries and US strategic interests Middle Eastern area as a whole, we feel measures listed below should be taken in implementing our announced policies re Iran.
- 1.
- You may express to appropriate Iranian officials on appropriate occasions genuine interest US in independence Iran and assure them this Govt is prepared, so long as Govt Iran sincerely desires independence and demonstrates willingness stand up for its sovereignty against external pressure, support independence Iran not only by words but also by appropriate acts.
- 2.
- We are prepared to consider sympathetically pending Iranian request sale reasonable quantities nonaggression military material to assist Iran in maintaining internal order. Conversations at present taking place between Iranian military mission and appropriate US officials. For your info, possibilities of credit for arms purchase are now being explored.20
- 3.
- We hope to be able maintain US military missions Iran if desired by Iranian Govt and will continue to support before Congress legislation permitting their detail beyond period national emergency. Recommendations [Page 547] these missions would be appreciated re present requests Iranian Military Purchasing Mission.
- 4.
- We are hoping be able intensify our informational and cultural program Iran. In this connection, revision surplus property obligations would make funds available purposes increased cultural exchange.
In connection with this program Dept is earnestly endeavoring obtain Exim Bank approval in principle to loan for Iran. Since we have not yet been able obtain Bank’s approval you should make no commitment or statement to Iranian Govt other than to indicate Dept is giving question sympathetic consideration.
In bringing these measures attention Iran authorities, you should make clear US assistance Iran is based on assumption Govt Iran is working in true interests people Iran and to this end will endeavor steadfastly preserve Iranian sovereignty and independence.
- In a letter of November 26 to Brig. Gen. Mohammed Mazhari, Chief of the Iranian Military Purchasing Mission in the United States, Maj. Gen. Donald H. Connolly, as Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, stated that the United States was prepared to extend credit to the Iranian Government to purchase certain arms and equipment at prices substantially lower than original cost (891.24/11–3046).↩