891.00/10–1546: Telegram

The Ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the Secretary of State


1371. Shah said last night that Qavam had called on him earlier in the day to repeat assurances of loyalty and of confidence that elections could be arranged to avoid a Soviet-dominated Majlis. Shah told me that aside from question whether Qavam’s assurance and confidence were genuine, he greatly doubted Qavam’s ability to carry out such plans, in view of Qavam’s loss of freedom of action.

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Shah said he was uncertain regarding maintenance of security. I said he should approach question from point of view that constitutional methods were being followed and that military action was not necessarily involved. At same time he should, of course, be prepared for whatever security contingency might arise.

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I am unable to predict what course the Shah will follow. The city is full of rumors of an impending change of government and it is always possible that Qavam may be the first to act.

Repeated London 169, Moscow 293.
