Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for
Occupied Areas (Hilldring) to the Secretary
of State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee (Reid)
[Washington,] September 26, 1946.
There is attached a series of questions concerning United States
strategic interests in Iran which the Department of State requests you
to transmit to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for their consideration. In
view of the strong political interest of the Department of State in
Iran, particularly in the present serious situation of internal strife,
it is requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff consider this as matter
of high priority.
Proposed Questions to JCS
- 1.
- To what extent does the Joint Chiefs of Staff consider Iran to
be an area of vital strategic interest to the United States for
defensive or counter-offensive purposes, or as a source of
- 2.
- In what way does the JCS
consider the United States strategic interest in Iran to be
related to United States strategic interest in the Near and
Middle Eastern area as a whole?
- 3.
- In what manner does the JCS
consider that United States strategic interest would be affected
- (a)
- A division of Iran into a Soviet sphere of influence
in the north and a British sphere of influence in the
- (b)
- Permanent Soviet control of the Iranian province of
- (c)
- The creation of a Soviet-dominated autonomous Kurdish
state which might include contiguous portions of
northwestern Iran and northern Iraq?
- (d)
- Soviet domination of the whole of Iran?
- 4.
- Given the existing inadequacy of Iranian security forces and
the political desirability of strengthening the authority of the
central government, does the JCS
consider that a program of assistance by the U. S. to the
Iranian military establishment would contribute to the defense
of United States strategic interest in the Near and Middle
Eastern area?