861.24591/5–2146: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
[Received May 22—5:56 p.m.]
726. PriMin today telegraphed Ala stating he had sent Inspection Committee from Tehran to investigate evacuation of all of Azerbaijan and that during one week vital areas such as Tabriz and suburbs, Marand, Julfa, Khoi, Salmas, Maku, Rezaieh and Miandoab were carefully inspected. Inspectors’ reports state no sign has been found of Soviet troops, armaments and transportation equipment. Telegram concludes that according to investigations in all places through local notables Soviet troops did evacuate Azerbaijan May 6th.37
It is clear from this that Qavam intends to report to Security Council without reservation that Soviet troops have left Iran. It is also clear from my talks with him that he knows that as result of this action present Iranian case will be dropped from agenda.
So far as possible new case is concerned, PriMin seems to have in mind possibility that if he gets substantial evidence of continued Russian interference in Iran he will approach Soviet Govt with it first and express hope that he will not find it necessary to make renewed appeal to Security Council.
Sent Dept 726, repeated Moscow 201.
- A telegram from the Iranian Prime Minister along these lines was quoted in a letter of May 21 from Ambassador Ala to the President of the Security Council; for text of letter, see SC, 1st yr., 1st ser., supp. No. 2, p. 53, or Department of State Bulletin, June 2, 1946, p. 942.↩