861.24591/5–746: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Paris


2147. For Secretary Byrnes. Iranian Ambassador informed Stettinius on May 6 that he intended deliver written report to Security [Page 452] Council later in day. Although without information from Tehran since May 3, Ala intended to report that Soviet troops had been withdrawn from all northern provinces except Azerbaijan and were, according to latest reports, in process of evacuating that province but that this could not be confirmed since Tehran Government had no representatives in Azerbaijan. He also planned to refer to Russian interference in Iranian affairs and to continuing negotiations between Premier Qavam and the Azerbaijanese regarding home rule. Ala asked Stettinius whether Council would remove the question from agenda since Iran probably would not be able confirm withdrawal by May 8. Stettinius indicated there might be grounds for postponing consideration for few days until conclusive report could be received and queried necessity of report on May 6 since deadline was midnight. Ala promised to consider this aspect of situation but evening May 6 he delivered to Lie letter along lines indicated in conversation with Stettinius.

Ala had also suggested to Stettinius that it would be desirable for Security Council to retain question on agenda, even after official confirmation of Soviet evacuation had been received. Stettinius pointed out that such a course was not envisaged by Security Council’s resolution of April 4 and would certainly meet with violent objections from USSR. Ala continued to urge this action, and Stettinius, although indicating objection to proposal, said he would consider matter further.23

  1. In telegram 151, May 7, 10:30 p.m., Mr. Stettinius reported he had informed Sir Alexander Cadogan the same day “that the U.S. position was that under the circumstances there was no basis for remaining seized of the matter, if Iran reported complete Soviet evacuation.” (501.BC/5–746)