501 BB/1–2646: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 28—2:25 a.m.]
1015. DelUN 101. Set forth below are the letters from the chief delegate of Iran to the President of the Security Council as received by the Secretariat on January 26, 1946
“Security Council
Letter From the Chief of the Delegation of Iran to the President of the Security Council
Sir, The Iranian Delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations have taken note of the letter of 24 January 1946, addressed by the delegation of the Soviet Union to the Security Council and desire to bring to the attention of the Security Council the following facts:
(1) The continued interference of Soviet military and civil authorities in the internal affairs of Iran can be fully proved. The statement of the facts showing this interference and containing the necessary proofs will be submitted to the Security Council. The Iranian Government has in fact brought many instances of such interference to the notice of the Soviet Government in a number of notes which the Soviet Government have either completely ignored or failed to deal adequately with the complaint.
(2) While it is true that the Soviet Government in its note of 26 November 1945, contrary to the true facts, categorically denied the allegations of interference contained in the note of the Iranian Government of 17 November 1945, yet it remains the fact that in their note of 26 November 1945, the Soviet Government admitted that they had not been willing to allow the passage of Iranian reinforcements to suppress the revolt in Azerbaijan on the clearly unjustifiable grounds that, according to the Soviet Government the arrival of Iranian troops on part of their own territory would cause disturbance and blood and that in the event of the outbreak of disturbances the Soviet Government’s word to maintain security in the areas stationed by her armed forces, be constrained to complement her armed forces. Later, however, in the Soviet Government note to the United States Government dated 29 November 1945,56 they tried to find a new excuse for their action alleging that it was ‘a matter of aspirations with respect to the assurances of the democratic rights of Azerbaijanian population of northern Iran which is seeking national autonomy within the limits [Page 315] of the Iranian state’, which point is now reiterated in paragraph 3 of the letter of the delegation of the Soviet Union to the Security Council.
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(8) In the circumstances the Iranian Delegation maintain that the conditions envisaged by Article 25 of the Charter are present and that the Security Council should, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, investigate this dispute between the Iranian Government and the Soviet Government.
Yours sincerely,
(signed) S. H. Taqizadeh
Head of the Iranian
[Here follows enclosure to the above-quoted letter: Note of December 1, 1945, from the Iranian Foreign Ministry to the Soviet Embassy in Iran, the text of which is quoted in telegram 1054, December 3, 1945, from Tehran, volume viii, page 473.]
- See telegram 4015, November 30, 1045, from Moscow, Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. viii, p. 468.↩
- For full text of Ambassador Taqizadeh’s letter, see SC, 1st yr., 1st ser., supp. No. 1, p. 19.↩