124.60H6/5–2746: Telegram
The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Shantz) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 28—5:45 p.m.]
528. Following is substance of FonOff note dated May 24, received today.
When necessary communications were lacking in Yugos as result of war damages, Yugos authorities agreed Embassy could have its own aircraft at Zemun Airdrome. As communications in Yugos are now reestablished it is neither necessary nor justified for Foreign Missions to use special aircraft in Yugos.
After June 1 next aircraft now at disposal of Embassy cannot be used on Yugos territory and Embassy can use regular communication by railway or airway as other Missions of Allied and friendly countries do. Embassy should prepare withdrawal of its special courier aircraft and all personnel who serve and manage them at date proposed by Embassy.
Ministry refers to its note of April 2 concerning withdrawal of US air personnel and navigation facilities from Zemun and “insist that enforcement of corresponding measures should start immediately” so that staff should be withdrawn by June 1 to make it possible for Yugos organs to take over locality and installations at determined date and begin reorganizing of whole airdrome service.
British received similar note.
Repeated Vienna 56, Caserta 48, London 46, Paris 39, Moscow 20, Bern 11.