860H.7962/4–946: Telegram

The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Shantz) to the Secretary of State

399. Following is substance Foreign Office note dated April 2.

Toward end of 1944 it was agreed orally that USA military aviation could set up at Zemun airdrome radio installations to make air traffic safer, on condition installations would be turned over to Yugo air authorities when personnel were qualified to operate them. Yugoslav personnel now sufficiently trained.

At end of 1945 Yugoslav air authorities set up their own installations necessary to safety air navigation and these will serve Yugoslavs and foreign aviation.

Above agreement was made in view of war needs. Since now only civil aircraft are used and liaison for flight safety conforms to international code, Yugoslav military authorities no longer see necessity for special American station at Zemun.

Therefore Yugoslav aviation command desires that US withdraw their air personnel from Zemun and that British personnel turn over radio installations to Yugoslav personnel as orally agreed.

Note closes with thanks of Yugoslav General Staff to US Army for services rendered Yugoslav aviation at Zemun.

Foreign Office probably meant American personnel where word British used above. British received similar note (AmEmbass) Paris please transmit this message ATC).

Sent Department 399, repeated AmPolAd Caserta 39, AmEmbassy Paris 30, AmLegation Bern, Switzerland 4.
