
The American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union (Molotov)

Dear Mr. Molotov: Confirming our conversation of yesterday evening and because of considerations which I mentioned at that time, my Government considers it of the first importance that negotiations be initiated in Washington by the representatives of the Soviet Union and those of the United States on the final settlement contemplated by the master Lend-Lease agreement executed by the two Governments on June 11, 1942, the disposition of Lend-Lease merchant vessels and the return of United States naval vessels now in the custody of the Soviet Union. I must mention that no reply has yet been received to the Note from my Government of September 14 and Aide-Mémoire of October 31 on the above subject, and I have accordingly been instructed to request your consideration as a matter of urgency. I will be very grateful if you will inform me at the earliest possible moment of the decision of the Soviet Government.

I am, my dear Mr. Molotov,

Sincerely yours,

W. B. Smith