874.00/3–1346: Telegram

The Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State


236. Newspaper Izgrev is not only party organ of Zveno of which political group Stainov is one rep in FF Govt but it is also mouthpiece of FF Govt Foreign Office. Yesterday Izgrev published long article analyzing respective views of western democracies and USSR on implementation of Moscow decision. This article concludes with following paragraph: “Hence it is clear that disagreement exists between three Great Powers re this question. Until disagreement is settled among them authoritative interpretation of Moscow decision remains so far as Bulgarian Govt is concerned that which was transmitted to it in form of friendly advice by rep of Soviet Union in name of three Great Powers.”

I suggest that if we were to accept this as final word from Bulgaria and Russia on Moscow decision and at same time were to maintain our position of nonrecognition because decision has not been implemented we would be following course of wisdom. Thus at long last would be laid to rest formula conceived by Russia alone and one that could have no merit for anyone concerned but Russia. As I have sought to explain many times in my telegrams, since announcement of decision, [Page 86] enlargement of Govt by including reps of Opposition who at same time had no voice in Parliament did not make sense politically. Let us [apparent garble] Russian and Bulgarian obstinacy to date about literal interpretation of formula, bury it forever and free us from incubus of what has turned to be unsound compromise and when once again question of recognizing Bulgarian Govt comes up actively let us return to sound and firm ground that we stood upon before Moscow meeting, namely that only free and unfettered elections can produce free and democratic govt that US is prepared to recognize in harmony with Yalta Agreement. In meantime Bulgarian problem should cease seriously to plague US relations with Russia except as part of much graver problem of Russia’s threat to Straits, Aegean and communications thru eastern Mediterranean. In this connection I cannot refrain from urging Dept to give serious consideration to contents mytel 186 Feb 27.

Repeated Moscow 119 and London 103.
