125.677/7–2946: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow)
1377. Navy advises Nav Attaché in Moscow has been informed that Sov Command requests branch offices of Asst Nav Attaché Archangel, Odessa and Vladivostok be closed and personnel withdrawn soon as possible. Dept has had under consideration request from WSA supported by Navy and Come that permanent consulate be established at Odessa.
[Page 772]Unless you perceive objection, request concurrence SovGov in immediate opening Am Consulate Odessa. Dept has in mind relatively small office of perhaps two career officers and small clerical staff. It is suggested that at same time you press for favorable reply this Govs proposal to open consulate in Leningrad.
In event FonOff should assert that opening of consulate in Odessa is matter for Ukrainian Gov you may point out that three branch offices of Nav Attaché as well as consulate in Vlad were established in agreement with central Gov and have conducted their business with its reps rather than with Govs of various Constituent Republics. Dept desires if possible however avoid raising of this issue.
You may point out that UNRRA shpts are being made to Odessa in both WSA and commercially operated Am vessels and that in addition to normal desire to establish consulate at this important post Dept considers it essential that Amrep be stationed there to render services for these vessels and their crews.
For your info Dept does not feel it can continue to allow SovGov to maintain three consulates in this country in event that this reasonable request is refused.