361.1121/6–1846: Airgram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

A–313. Reference Department’s airgrams A–122, March 20, 1946 and A–175, May 7, 19466 regarding Mr. Isaiah Oggins, an American citizen imprisoned by the Soviet authorities several years ago.7

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The Embassy addressed a note to the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 30, 1946 on this subject but has thus far received no reply. A new note covering the points in the latter reference airgram is being sent today, and the Embassy will inform the Department as soon as it receives a reply.8

  1. Neither printed.
  2. For the origin of this case, see Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. iii, pp. 765771 passim.
  3. Mrs. Oggins was informed by letter on July 22 of these latest inquiries made by the Embassy at Moscow concerning her husband. There were no further developments to report during 1946.