871.00/11–946: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative in Rumania (Berry)
us urgent
723. We are informing Brit Govt thru Emb here our agreement to proposal that appeal by Rum opposition parties to three powers be referred to ACC.42
Dept agrees opinions par 2 urtel 1047. Accordingly, when your Brit colleague has received instructions take parallel or supporting action, pls request Gen Schuyler to ask that ACC consider opposition memo with view to recommending such action as appears warranted in circumstances. In particular he is authorized to request that Commission take steps necessary to ensure all parties right to have representatives at polling places throughout election day and at counting of ballots.
Schuyler is authorized to recall renewed assurances of Rum Govt in note of Nov 2 that obligations which it assumed pursuant to Moscow Agreement will be fully implemented. Despite possible reply from Sovrep that matter is internal affair or not properly ACC concern, Schuyler should request issuance to Rum Govt whatever directives requisite to promote free conduct of elections.43
[On November 15, 1946, the United States Representative in Rumania delivered a note to the Rumanian Foreign Minister replying to the Rumanian note of November 2 and reiterating the American position on the Rumanian elections. For text of the note, released to the press on the day of its delivery, see Department of State Bulletin, [Page 652] November 24, 1946, page 967. The British Political Representative in Rumania delivered a similar note to the Rumanian Foreign Minister on November 16. On November 18, Foreign Minister Tatarescu sent the following reply (in unofficial translation) to Representative Berry: “I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of November the fifteenth, 1946. The Rumanian Government, after having examined its contents most carefully, considered necessary to reassert, in reply, its view set forth in its note of November the second, and wishes to assure the United States Government that the democratic principles of freedom and justice invoked in your note are and will remain the constant guidance of its action in the present general elections as well as in the achievement of the great reforms destined to reorganize the basic establishments of the Rumanian state.” (871.00/11–1846)]
- Regarding the Department’s aide-mémoire of November 14 to the British Embassy, see footnote 38, p. 650.↩
- Telegram 729, November 16, 2 p.m., to Bucharest, stated that the British Government no longer contemplated Allied Control Commission action on the appeal of the opposition parties. General Schuyler was directed to take no action in the matter. (871.00/11–1646)↩