871.00/5–2846: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Representative in Rumania (Berry)
us urgent
358. Schuyler’s tel T–1352 and urtel 533 May 28.77 War Dept informing Schuyler approval his position in regard to employees US representation ACC and urmis with which we agree. Concurrently with Schuyler’s representations to ACC you should address formal protest to Rumanian Govt against this Rumanian interference functions ACC representation and urMis stating forcefully that US Govt considers outrageous action of organs of Rumanian Govt in summarily arresting personnel attached to American official Missions and will expect immediate cessation of such molestation and release of Stanescu and your employee. You may add that instances in which US employees are suspected of improper activities should in future be brought to attention of appropriate US representative for such remedial action as facts may warrant.
Sent to Bucharest, rptd to Budapest, Sofia, Moscow and London.
- Telegram 533, May 28, from Bucharest, reported that Representative Berry had been unsuccessful in his efforts to question responsible Soviet and Rumanian authorities regarding the two imprisoned Rumanian employees of the American political and military missions (871.00/5–2846).↩