740.00119 Council/1–2346

Memorandum of Conversation38

Participants: The Secretary
Mr. Vyshinsky
Mr. Bohlen
Soviet Interpreter

Mr. Vyshinsky said he wished to discuss with the Secretary the [Page 573] results of the Moscow decision concerning Rumania and Bulgaria. In the case of Bulgaria [Rumania], the Commission set up in Moscow had had considerable difficulty in carrying out its task, and a good deal of influence had had to be brought to bear in the Rumanian Government. He said the inner party struggle and relationship between Maniu and Bratianu on the one hand and the Government on the other hand had created quite a difficult situation. He said, nevertheless, that the Commission had satisfactorily carried out its task and that the two new members of the Government fully met the qualifications outlined in the Moscow decision. Furthermore, the Rumanian Government has issued a statement concerning freedom of elections. In view of these evidences, he felt it was now the turn of the Governments of the U.S. and U.K. to carry out their part of the agreement and recognize the Rumanian Government.

The Secretary replied that he felt the Commission had made an honest and genuine attempt to carry out the Moscow decision and that the U.S. Government was now considering the results and would communicate its decision promptly. Mr. Vyshinsky inquired whether the Secretary thought that the Moscow agreement had been satisfactorily carried out. The Secretary repeated that he felt that a reasonable and honest attempt had been made, but that the U.S. Government, of course, would have to examine the results. He promised to take up the matter with the President immediately upon his return.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[In telegram 992, January 29, to London, repeated to Moscow as 164, the Secretary directed that the text of the United States note to be delivered to the Rumanian Government be made available to Vyshinsky (740.00119 Council/1–1546). Telegram 1171, January 31, from London, reported that Foreign Secretary Bevin had spoken to Vyshinsky about Rumania on January 26 and had expressed views substantially the same as those of Secretary Byrnes (871.01/1–3146).

For text of note of February 5, 1946, from the United States Representative in Rumania to the President of the Rumanian Council of Ministers regarding the recognition of the Rumanian Government, quoted in a Department of State press release of February 5, see Department of State Bulletin, February 17, 1946, pages 256–257.

For exchange of notes of February 7 and 14, 1946, between the Rumanian Foreign Minister and the United States Representative in Rumania on this subject, see Department of State Bulletin, February 24, 1946, page 298.]

  1. Charles E. Bohlen, Assistant to the Secretary of State, probably prepared this memorandum.
  2. The omitted part of this memorandum was concerned with the situation in Bulgaria and the Iranian complaint against the Soviet Union before the United Nations Security Council. The portion dealing with Bulgaria is printed on p. 60. The portion relating to Iran is not printed, but for documentation on the subject, see vol. vii, pp. 289 ff.