860C.51/4–1546: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Poland (Lane)
317. In lengthy informal conversation with Stanczyk8 just prior to his departure for various cities in East and Middle West question of Pol elections arose with particular reference to their bearing on present Pol credit negotiations. Stanczyk presented to officers of Dept present his view of political situation in Poland which is already known to Emb. In discussing credit negotiations Stanczyk reiterated opposition previously expressed by Pol Reps to inclusion of political matter among conditions demanded of Pol Govt preliminary to extension of credit. (This refers to condition calling for reaffirmation by Pol Govt of its intention to hold free, unfettered elections in accordance with Yalta and Potsdam Agreements.) He agreed Western Powers had been given reason to doubt Pol Govt’s good faith in this respect but said Pol pride would not countenance dictation from abroad. (This obviously does not apply to Soviet activities in Poland.) Therefore he suggested no further effort be made to introduce Pol political commitments into credit negotiations, but that other means be found to accomplish same purpose. He firmly believes Pol Govt would be willing to make separate public declaration regarding elections prior to conclusion of credit negotiations and recommended that attempt be made to solve matter in this [Page 423] way. He said he would gladly support such a move and he felt it would fulfill objectives of both parties to negotiations.
It is believed that public definitive statement by Pol Govt reaffirming Yalta election commitments would, if properly made, serve purpose envisaged in paragraph 4 of proposed note to be exchanged between Pol and Am Govts setting forth conditions under which credit will be considered. Furthermore publication of declaration of this nature would give sorely needed encouragement to Mikolajczyk’s followers. This procedure would permit advancing of immediate limited credit to Poland thus evidencing our willingness to aid in reconstruction of country and would at same time serve notice on Pol Govt that this Govt attaches greatest importance to holding of elections and that any further employment of dilatory tactics by Prov Govt in this connection would serve to delay aid to country.
Dept plans send you subsequent telegram authorizing you to make appropriate representations to FonOff.
- Jan Stanczyk, Polish Minister of Labor and Public Welfare and a leader in the Polish Socialist Party (PPS). The conversation took place on April 11.↩