775.00/10–1046: Telegram
The Representative in Albania (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 11—2:25 p.m.]
517. October 8 Hoxha in talk before National Front conference outlined [Page 28] Albania’s foreign policy. Accused Great Britain using Saranda incident56 which he described as regrettable pretext for not resuming diplomatic relations. With respect US, he stated what Department already knows to effect Albania has agreed recognize multilateral treaties and is prepared consider in friendly spirit bilateral treaties after recognition accorded, adding Albania was awaiting reply on this question from American Government.
October 9 paid farewell call on Hoxha accompanied by Henderson and spent 2 hours going over our problems. In substance he repeated what is said above with respect treaties stressing fact he was expecting reply from US.
Also discussed with him outstanding matters as employment alien interpreter and case Marinschak’s wife concerning both of which he finally agreed that something would be done.
During course conversation, he advanced his usual lengthy specious arguments about everything especially alleged mistreatment Albania by US at Paris and New York.
Most of our time taken up trying to get across to him other factors which he seems to wish to ignore.
Henderson will submit mail report with details and I shall take up matter upon arrival in Washington.57