740.00119 Council/9–946: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference


4689. Secdel 850. For ur further info re Tirana’s 466 Sep 6 (rptd Paris 54 for Secdel).53 Min without Portfolio Tuk Jakova recently visited Dept own initiative discuss treaties. Conversations unofficial character since Jakova without authority speak behalf Albanian Govt and Hickerson made clear he was not speaking officially for Dept.

Jakova indicated personal belief Albanian Govt might now be prepared recognize in principle validity treaties and agreements between US and Albania. He agreed Hickerson’s suggestion it would be useful draft some language re status treaties which might, with approval Sec and Gen Hoxha, serve as basis official discussions between Albanian authorities and Amrep Tirana. Statement drafted substantially as follows:

Begin Albanian Govt accepts in principle all treaties and agreements between Albania and US in force Apr 7, 1939, date Italian invasion Albania.

Albanian Govt reserves right propose changes or termination aforesaid treaties and agreements on basis mutual interest. In this regard, any discussion treaties and agreements which are subject such proposals would begin after recognition Albanian Govt by US Govt and establishment diplomatic relations between US and Albania.

Pending possible changes or termination particular treaties and agreements accordance with their terms, both Albanian Govt and US Govt will carry out provisions existing instruments. End.

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Jakova stated he would communicate Hoxha and thereafter inform Dept PriMin’s reaction. It was made clear to Jakova that Dept would understand above as differing only in language and not in effect from our originally requested assurance. Hickerson again emphasized unofficial character this interchange, stated that Dept would wish consult Jacobs before taking definite position, and pointed out necessity, in event US and Albanian authorities wish seek agreement along lines foregoing draft, for Gen Hoxha take matter up officially with Amrep Tirana. Thus far, Dept has reed no further word from Jakova re matter.

Dept does not propose reply Hoxha’s unsatisfactory letter Aug 13 (Tirana’s 433 Aug 18, being rptd Paris) just now in view possibility that Hoxha in light of foregoing may wish withdraw it and substitute letter giving assurances we desire. Should treaty question be resolved to US satisfaction, we believe inadvisable to specify formally new and additional conditions recognition (Tirana’s 428, Aug 15 rptd Paris Sep 7) but would be inclined as alternative to notify Albanian authorities at time acceptance satisfactory treaty assurance that with establishment diplomatic relations US expects Legation staff will be accorded privileges and courtesies consistent international practice.

Sent Paris, rptd Tirana.54

  1. Telegram 466, September 6, 1946, from Tirana, suggested that it might be helpful if someone on the United States delegation at the Paris Peace Conference discussed with Hoxha or one of the Albanian Foreign Ministry representatives then at Paris the Albanian note of August 13 on treaties. Jacobs added that “since multilateral treaties have been accepted, remaining questions of bilateral treaties and agreements and status this mission might be resolved or modus vivendi reached which would improve situation”. (711.75/9–646) Telegram 4512, Delsec 918, September 10, from Matthews in Paris, stated that the question of Albania’s position on treaties should be handled by the Department and not in Paris (740.00119 Council/9–1046).
  2. As No. 159.