874.00/11–2546: Telegram
The Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 28—2:45 p.m.]
927. With formation new Govt Communist domination all aspects State control over country’s life complete. Chief of State and presiding officer of Parliament is Communist. So are Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, Minister of Finance, Minister of War, Minister of Education, Minister of Public Health, Minister of Commerce and Supplies; Minister of Electrification, Water Supply and Natural Re-sources, and President of Supreme Economic Council of State. Thus is belied contention that present Govt is still FF. Non-Communist, non-Agrarian parties of Front that were discredited by electorate on October 27, have no important portfolios. Kimon Georgiev is Minister of Foreign Affairs merely further to compromise him as Communist stooge. Of Govt Agrarians only two received posts of any importance, namely Ministries of Agriculture and Justice. These two Ministries are well under control of Communists.
Even official newspaper of FF must point out that Prime Ministership of Dimitrov completely changes character of Govt as he is “such authoritative person in life of country” as to justify term “Dimitrov Govt”. According to this newspaper “his name is not only known and beloved in Bulgaria but by all peoples of the whole world; his name is emblem for democratic peoples of world”. Official newspaper of Communist Party also emphasizes “authority” of new Govt because of “authority, qualities and merits of Georgi Dimitrov”. Opposition leader Nikola Petkov agrees in his newspaper, but out of concern for what purely Communist Govt may mean, for future of his country. He says that “in language of [apparent omission] may be called Dimitrov Govt; its only purpose is to create new Dimitrov Bulgaria by enacting Communist constitution”.
It is my own personal opinion that US and UK can now expect even more disregard for their point of view with respect to political conditions in Bulgaria than formerly. Dimitrov and all those who played part in formation of present Govt have long known views of US and UK in favor of Govt formed on basis of principles adopted at Yalta. This knowledge in no way restrained them from complete disregard of Yalta principles. We may therefore expect present masters of Bulgaria to shout even more loudly and vituperatively against “foreign interference in Bulgarian domestic affairs” against “tutelage of Opposition” against “fascist reaction and black marketeers” [Page 175] against “dollar and sterling diplomacy” and “imperialism of capitalistic nations”. At same time emphasis on benefits to be received only from Russians, on intimate collaboration with Russia in every sphere of Bulgarian people’s life, and of irresistible strength and limitless benefits of Pan-Slavism will increase. Already as seen from mytel 9258 this intensification of fealty to Russia and Slav consciousness is apparent. At an open air mass meeting held 2 days ago by Bulgarian-Soviet Society resolution was passed which said in brief that “Bulgarian-Soviet friendship is granite rock, against which all attempts of internal and foreign enemies would burst asunder; that this friendship has historical importance for future of Bulgarian people, for its freedom and national independence; that no fire under sky can destroy this unity and century long attachment; that broadening and deepening of this friendship with USSR is needed by Bulgarian people as the very air and sun”. In today’s Govt newspaper (Monday morning daily) it is stated that new Govt is most authoritative abroad; it is welcomed in Soviet Union and in all Slav countries; it will be able to consolidate international situation of country; it will strengthen unbreakable ties with Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and other Slav countries; it will develop friendship with all other peoples”. I have yet to note since formation of new Govt any statement in support of development of friendship with non-Slavs that was not couched in terms of “friendship with other peoples”, not friendship with other Govts. Communist leaders here have frequently told me that they were amply justified in making distinction between US Govt and US people in connection with “bad press” that Bulgarian Govt has in US. In this connection it is interesting to note that Communist Party has recently called back from US 10 or 12 young Bulgarians who have spent number of years in US and who have been educated there largely through generosity of Americans and US educational institutions. All tell Party that American public entertains no such reserve with respect to Bulgarian Govt as does US Govt. These young people are to occupy posts of confidence and importance in Communist Party and within new Govt. It is reasonable to suppose they will be used to aid Communists in their propaganda calculated to prove that any reservations in US with respect to Bulgarian Govt are only on part of “fascists reactionaries and imperialists”.
Dept please repeat to Moscow if desirable.
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