Efforts by the United States to assure fulfillment of the Yalta and Potsdam agreements regarding Poland; extension of economic assistance to Poland

[355] The Chargé in Poland (Keith) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/11–1746: Telegram

[356] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Poland (Keith)

860C.00/11–1846: Telegram

[357] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Poland (Keith)

860C.00/11–1846: Telegram

[358] The Chargé in Poland (Keith) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/11–2146: Telegram

[359] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Poland (Keith)

860C.5034/11–2346: Telegram

[361] The Chargé in Poland (Keith) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/11–2546: Telegram

[362] The Chargé in Poland (Keith) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/11–2846: Telegram

[363] The Chargé in Poland (Keith) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/11–2946: Telegram

[364] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Poland (Keith)

860C.5151/12–246: Telegram

[365] The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

860C.5151/12–646: Telegram

[366] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State


[369] The Ambassador in Poland (Lane) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/12–1446: Telegram

[370] The Ambassador in Poland (Lane) to the Secretary of State


[371] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State


[373] The Ambassador in Poland (Lane) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/12–1946: Telegram

[374] The Ambassador in Poland (Lane) to the Secretary of State

860C.5034/12–2246: Telegram

[377] The Ambassador in Poland (Lane) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/12–2946: Telegram

[378] The Ambassador in Poland (Lane) to the Secretary of State

860C.00/12–3146: Telegram