852.00/3–1246: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)
us urgent
1260. Embtel 1199, Mar 12. Please give following written reply to Bidault:
“The Government of the United States has given careful study to the further considerations on the subject of Spain contained in the French Government’s note of March 12, 1946.
[Page 1057]With regard to the original proposal of the French Government to submit the Spanish question to the Security Council, the United States Government stated, in its note of March 9, its opinion that any member of the United Nations is free to bring any dispute or any situation which might lead to international friction or give rise to a dispute to the attention of the Security Council whenever that Member feels that such a course is warranted under the provisions of the Charter.
For its part, the United States Government continues to adhere to the position expressed in its note of March 9, 1946.
Accordingly, the United States Government does not feel that it can associate itself with the French Government in its proposed action with respect to Spain.
Immediately following telegram contains additional instructions.
Sent Paris as 1260 rptd London as 2401 and Madrid as 404.