852.00/3–1846: Telegram
The Chargé in Spain (Bonsai) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 19—8:29 p.m.]
551. Foreign Minister48 today handed me copy of pamphlet entitled “Reply to the Publication Made by the Department of State of the United States of America of Documents Relative to Spain”. One copy being sent by air pouch tomorrow and summary by separate telegram.
Foreign Minister stated he was not handing me this pamphlet officially since State Department publication had been in nature of press release but that as matter of courtesy he wished me to have copy before it was made available to press later today.
He emphasized that in making this publication Spanish Government did not intend to take aggressive or offensive action “which would provoke differences between western nations which must defend our [Page 1055] Christian civilization” but that it felt it important to place matters in their true light.
After ascertaining from Minister that pamphlet was to be published inside Spain, I pointed out to him that Department’s release did not receive such publicity. He replied that it had not yet been decided whether our release would be published here but that he did not consider matter very important since both content and intent of our publication were well known in Spain. He added that although he appreciated freedom and independence of our press, fact is that official statements of Spanish Government receive very slight attention therein.
I told Minister that I would look forward to later opportunity after I had read pamphlet of discussing matter further with him. Incidentally, this Embassy has not yet received copies of Department’s recent release of 15 documents.
- Alberto Marten Artajo.↩